St. Luke Catholic School is a faith-based Catholic school located in the heart of San Antonio's medical center and is one of the many ministries of St. Luke Catholic Church. We offer a full-day Pre-Kindergarten program for four-year old’s and we serve students through 8th grade. We offer many opportunities for students to experience life through supervised educational experiences. Please explore our website to see the opportunities for growth available to our students.
Learn more about activities we offer to enrich student life.
As a Catholic school, our students participate in weekly Masses and receive daily religious instruction. Students also enjoy PE, art, music (including strings, choir, theatre, and guitar after school), technology, and Spanish courses.
Read about our rigorous academic program.
The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are received in the second grade. Faith formation is woven into the fabric of private school educational experience for St. Luke students.
The children learn and play in a safe, secure environment. Access to the interior portions of the school is restricted during school hours; visitation is monitored.
Volunteer opportunities for parents are abundant for parents who would like to be involved. Check out the PTC page for more information on volunteer opportunities. We encourage parent participation and grandparent participation in both school and church ministries. Parent involvement is key to student success.
The St. Luke Child Development Center, a full-time day care center for children 18 months to 4 years, is located at the back of the school campus. For more information on the Child Development Center, call 210-431-9994.
For more information on St. Luke Catholic School, or to schedule a tour, please email our Registrar, Laura Garza.